Lots of people start training their dogs; however, they soon quit because they believe it’s just too hard. This stems from a lack of information on training your dog. How much you know will affect how well you train your dog. Keep on reading to get some great training tips.
Whenever you have to correct your dog, make sure to speak using short and sharp language. Do not rant on at length to your dog telling them how they were bad. Just say no, then let them know what behavior you want to see. Be sure your command tone of voice gets their attention and shows that you’re serious.
You should establish certain feeding habits for your dog. Training your pet to expect when to get food will teach him a feeding schedule in which he could adhere to. Your dog will learn to finish eating before you take the dish away.
Choose a crate that fits your dog properly and use it to crate train them. Do not forget that all puppies will grow up. Pick a crate that will be of suitable size for the adult when the puppy matures. The dog will need sufficient room to rest and turn around without feeling cramped.
When you meet an unfamiliar dog, you should go up to him slowly and allow him to sniff your hand. This helps the dog become familiar with your scent and engenders trust. As the dog begins to trust you, he will more likely follow your commands.
If your dog wants to jump you should squeeze their paws when they do so, they will know that they shouldn’t do that. This will not hurt your dog if done lightly, but it will impart the information that jumping up is not appropriate. Before long, they will stop their habit of jumping on people due to this association.
Exercise your dog at least an hour everyday in addition to its regular potty breaks outside. If they are well-exercised, then you will have more efficient training. Keep in mind that a dog that’s been exercised regularly is happier and more responsive to your commands.
Make sure training periods are short in duration. Dogs have short attention spans. Having short training sessions will prevent training becoming a chore for your dog. You can choose to adopt a more intensive regimen, but only if you are willing to allow your dog a few moments of relaxation and play to break up the session.
Maintain your dog’s training throughout its lifetime. The dog does not stop learning as it grows older. If you reinforce desired behaviors, you will ensure your dog’s continued obedience, and by continuing to discipline your dog, you will prevent negative behaviors from appearing.
If your pet is a problematic barker, try this training tip. Choose a simple word or directive you can use to quiet him down and discourage barking. Show the dog a treat as incentive, then repeat the command until they obey it. Only give them the treat when they obey the command. Repeating this enough times can help them associate the treat with the quiet command.
Use different tones when training your dog. Your dog should be able to distinguish between varying tones you use for praise, commands and corrections. Keep your commands short and sharp while corrections should be louder.
After reading this article, you should have more confidence in your ability to train every dog. You have learned some good information here, but remember to expand your knowledge with new information and use it when you can so you can begin seeing results soon.